invest ghinvestment griffin habitat investment gh investment GHInvestment: Griffin Companies

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Griffin Companies

Griffin Companies' value lies in knowing where the potential exists, how best to articulate the potential, and creating competition between highly motivated equity investors. The creation of value for our clients occurs at all levels of the process.

strategic research
Uncovering hidden value through solid, fundamental research & analysis, entrepreneurial vision and articulation of in-place value and upside potential

Comprehensive offering materials
Realizing potential value begins with presenting the real estate story through comprehensive, high quality offering materials. Knowing where the potential lies and how best to articulate it

market momentum & penetration
Elevating demand comes from identifying uniquely motivated investors and leading them to the
negotiation table
Compelling the investor in the atmosphere of the competitive process
structuring & execution
Conversion of the property's maximum value into cash.

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