invest ghinvestment griffin habitat investment gh investment GHInvestment: about griffin

Sunday, October 14, 2007

about griffin

Our company logos, the Griffin, originally represented a mythical beast with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion. Endowed with the characteristics of these creatures, it was thus regarded as a symbol of the ruler of earth and sky, and claimed to be more mighty than eight lions and a hundred eagles.
As a corporate logos, the Griffin represents the guardian of the treasury – a stewardship we take very seriously. It is our desire to accomplish all we do with integrity, timeliness and excellence. We assume our responsibilities with a very high standard – that of taking our clients seriously and executing our responsibilities with great care and efficiency.
A cluster of three competencies - Client Awareness, Market Knowledge and Technical Expertise has served to distinguish the Griffin Team through the years of our involvement in Commercial Real Estate. Increasingly, we desire to become your preferred Real Estate solution provider. To that end, we are dedicated and motivated.

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